Fightarts Risk Management Policy
1. Introduction
Fightarts is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all participants, including teenagers, involved in our programs and activities, which may include contact training. This Risk Management Policy outlines our approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with contact training for participants.
2. Qualifications of Trainer/Coach
- Diploma of Fitness
- Combat Sports NSW registered
- Qualified to provide CPR, basic emergency life support and First Aid
- AUSactive Level 3 Registered Professional (PT/Gym Instructor/Group Ex Instructor)
- Australian Federal Police Check ref: 10808797PC
- Working with Children Check Number: WWC1794242E
- Fitness Active Lifestyle Professional Liability Insurance
3. Objectives
- To identify potential risks associated with contact training for all participants.
- To assess the severity and likelihood of these risks.
- To implement measures to minimise and control identified risks during contact training.
- To ensure clear communication and understanding of risk management procedures among trainers, participants, teenagers, and relevant stakeholders.
4. Risk Identification and Assessment
- Fightarts will conduct regular risk assessments specifically tailored to contact training activities involving teenagers and clients.
- Risks associated with contact training will be evaluated based on their severity and likelihood using a risk checklist.
- Risks will be categorised as high, medium, or low based on the assessment outcomes.
5. Risk Mitigation and Control for Contact Training
- High-risk activities within contact training will be evaluated and modified to reduce the associated risks to an acceptable level.
- Proper protective equipment will be provided and mandatory for all participants engaged in contact training.
- Coaches and instructors will emphasize proper techniques and safety guidelines to minimize the risk of injuries.
- Controlled and supervised sparring sessions will be designed with a focus on safety and skill development.
- Teenagers less than 15 years of age may not participate in sparring contact to the head at all times and will always be supervised by the Trainer/Coach..
- Sparring is never 100 percent effort for all teenage participants between 15-17 years old and will always be supervised by the Trainer/Coach.
6. Emergency Response and Communication
- Clear and effective emergency response plans will be established for contact training scenarios, such as injuries during sparring.
- All participants will be educated on emergency procedures and protocols.
- Communication channels and emergency contacts will be readily available.
7. Communication and Training
- Teenagers and their parents or guardians will be educated on the nature of contact training and the associated risks.
- Safety guidelines and protocols for contact training will be communicated clearly and regularly.
8. Monitoring, Review, and Reporting
- Continuous monitoring of contact training sessions will be conducted to ensure adherence to safety guidelines.
- Incidents, near misses, and injuries related to contact training will be documented and analysed to improve risk management practices.
9. Reporting and Accountability
- Staff and participants are encouraged to report any potential hazards, incidents, or concerns related to contact training safety.
- Accountability for risk management during contact training will be assigned to designated personnel.
10. Compliance
- Fightarts will comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to safety and risk management, particularly for teenage participants.
11. Continuous Improvement
- Fightarts is committed to continuously improving our risk management processes and procedures for contact training to ensure the safety and well-being of teenagers involved.
By adhering to these risk management procedures, Fightarts prioritises the safety and welfare of teenagers/clients participating in contact training while fostering a positive and enjoyable experience.